We are a non profit 501 (c)(3) and we are your neighbors
The Brinnon Group started as an informal group in 2001 and later became a Washington State private non profit organization and a 501C3 in 2009. 501c3 information is below.
Who are the Brinnon Group members?
According to Brinnon Group bylaws filed with the Washington Secretary of State, there are no registered members of this group. Many people participate electronically. Nothing is required but an email address. Instead of dues, we have voluntary donations by mail or through our website. We find that this way of operating allows more participation in decisions.
What is required to be a Brinnon Group member?
Members of the group support the mission statement:
The Brinnon Group supports sustainable development of Black Point
Of reasonable size
Fits with the rural character of Brinnon
Preserves the natural features of the area
Protects Hood Canal.
Some members live in Brinnon full time, some vacation there. All are concerned with protecting Hood Canal.
IRS Letter Confirming Non Profit Status
Brinnon Group
PO Box 572
Brinnon, WA 98320-0572